The relationship between social media and mental health

Project Description

This project is broad to allow potential students input into the way it is shaped. This qualitative (or mixed method) project focuses on the relationship between social media and mental health in children or adolescents. This area of research has historically focused on screen time but now shows that the issues are much more complex and nuanced. Any area of mental health is relevant to social media use and the relationship can be both positive and negative. Groups of children and young people who are argued to be especially vulnerable to the possible negative effects of social media are those considered more vulnerable in their offline lives too. Also, digital tools can be used by services to engage children and young people and so there are potentially positive health outcomes.

University of Leicester Icon


Children, Young People & Perinatal Mental Health

Primary Approach

Arts & Social Sciences

Institutional Requirements

Dr Michelle O'Reilly

Dr Michelle O'Reilly

Associate Professor of Behavioural Medicine