2025 Kapil Sayal

Personality disorders in youth: descriptive epidemiology and patient experience within services Project Description Personality disorders, affecting around 8% of the global population, are common mental health conditions but remain underrepresented in mental health...

2025 Michelle O’Reilly

The relationship between social media and mental health Project Description This project is broad to allow potential students input into the way it is shaped. This qualitative (or mixed method) project focuses on the relationship between social media and mental health...

2025 Stephane De Brito

Testing the ecophenotype model of conduct disorder Project Description Conduct Disorder (CD), characterised by antisocial and aggressive behaviour, is a neglected, severe mental disorder, which is associated with the highest burden worldwide amongst children aged 0-14...

2025 Stephanie Burnett Heyes

IDENTITY: A virtual reality mental healthcare pre-assessment tool for CYP Project Description Virtual_Decisions: IDENTITY is an award-winning virtual reality (VR) experience used by CAMHS practitioners as a healthcare pre-assessment tool for children and young people...

2025 Elizabeth Liddle

Musical biofeedback to promote autonomic and attentional control in ADHD Project Description Attentional Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition affecting control of attention and action. Mounting evidence links these difficulties to...